The Suggestion Box is Dead

Summary:  The Suggestion Box was once a way to solicit ideas from employees. Three ways to get people to contribute.

Once a great way to get employee feedback about what could be done to improve the company has turned into another object collecting dust. I think it is safe to say the traditional Suggestion Box is dead. While the original program failed mostly due to lack of follow up or seriousness, the idea itself was a good one.

suggestion box, open culture, ideas
Image courtesy of PhotoXpress

Those working for you on a regular basis can see where there are opportunities to improve.  So how do we do it without being cheesy or taking people so far from their comfort zone they don’t contribute.

There are several ways to do this:

Food with the CEO. Either a casual breakfast or lunch or dinner, meet with your team or part of them and ask about what can be improved. Make sure they know there are no sacred cows and everything is open for discussion. You have to believe this otherwise they won’t open up.

Create an open culture. Take the open door policy to the next level. It’s not enough that your door is always open but your mind needs to be as well. You need to be open to ideas, suggestions, and strategies that may come from anyone on your team. If they feel they can always talk to you, there will be no need for a special program.

Town Halls. Take a page from our politicians and have meetings where you discuss what is happening in the company then ask for feedback and questions. Some people may be too shy to ask in front of their peers so allow them submit their questions in writing. As in the previous two suggestions, it is important you don’t openly show any dislike for the process. Be constructive in your responses.

These won’t create an instant change in your company overnight and will take several attempt for your people to trust the process and your sincerity in creating an open dialogue.

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