Trick or Treat your Office

Summary:  Take the trick or treat approach at the office to boast your people.

My kids are young so they are always excited about Halloween. Picking out costumes and dressing as their favorite characters. More than that what they really enjoy is going house to house and getting candy. No strings attached! After all, at home getting candy usually comes with strings attached – good behavior, cleaning up and/or eating all their dinner. Not on Halloween – they walk up to a door, ring the bell, say “trick or treat” and WOW they get candy.  How great is that!


Can you replicate this at work? What can you do that would be unexpected with no strings attached?

Trick:  It can not be done a regular schedule.

Treat:  Bring in food!

Trick: Don’t do it on a Monday or Friday.

Treat: Do lunch and a movie.

Trick: Have fun with it.

Treat: Play a game of charades!

Are you starting to get the idea? Every once in while do something fun, unexpected, and possibly out of character for yourself. Show you people another side of you and appear human.

Imagine yourself a couple months from now – when you do this what will be their reaction? Will they have fun? Afterwards watch how they work – are they smiling more, taking better care of your clients, working better together?

How much are these results worth to you and your business?

What trick or treats can you share?