Your Support System – do you have one?

Summary:  Small Business Owners need a Support Team – learn why and where to find them.

In our personal lives we all have some type of support system. That system is usually made up of friends and family. They help us make sense of the world and give us advice on how to handle what comes our way.


However in business – it is not always that easy.  Our friends and family may not understand what it is like to lead a team of people, how to attract our target market, or how to manage our cash flow. Many times a separate support system is needed – these are still people we have confindence in, trust and tell our biggest business worries to, they just may not be family or friends. This is a valuable resources for you, your company and your mental well being.

Right now you may be thinking – that would be great but where do I find one? Obviously the trust in these relationships wouldn’t be created instantly but over a period of time.  Here are some places to start looking:

Professional Groups:  There are companies out there whose model is to be a support system for either managers or business owners. A quick search on Google for “ceo peer groups” yielded over one million results.  They will group you with like minded CEOs in your geographical area. Learn from the experience of others.

Group Coaching:  Typically centered around a topic and for a set duration – you are in a group of other CEO’s or like minded individuals learning more about a particular topic. By working in this group you get to know the individual participants, bounce ideas off each other and can create longer lasting business relationships.

Individual Mentor: This is a person who works with you on a one-on-one basis focusing on you and your company. They provide you with guidance, a sounding board, or connect you with others. This may be a good place to start if you feel uncomfortable with the two options above. Besides – who doesn’t love personal attention?

Advisory Board:  This is a more formalized group that you put together – similar to a board of directors in that you have people from various backgrounds and specialties who have agreed to work with you on your business.  While they won’t be making business decisions they provide the guidance and advice you may need.  What you receive from an Advisory Board will only be as good as the people who accept to help you in your endevours.

You don’t need to do this alone – find the method that is most comfortable with you and get started.

Do you have a support system?