Minimizing the Dissapointment
Summary: You get a joy of watching people grow into new roles. Sometimes with a promotion that means one other person doesn’t get it. Handled properly you can keep them interested and motivated. If you the type of leader that coaches and mentors those around you – one of the greatest joys is watching them […]
The What and How of Saying It
Summary: The message to our people can get lost in the “how” of “what” we said. Don’t let this happen, here are a few tips to keep you on track. This is the dilemma we usually face isn’t it. We want to focus on the “what” of our communications and our people focus on the “how” of […]
Do you have values?
Summary: Are your values posted on a wall where no one pays attention? Some ideas to work them into your organization and how to live them. When working with companies on setting up their HR department/policies, one of the questions I ask is “Does your company have Values?” I am not talking about the personal […]
Decisions, decisions, decisions
Summary: People make decisions differently, understand how if you want an answer quickly. Ever notice how people make decisions? How some can make decisions on the spot and others take what feels like an eternity? How is this and does it matter? We make decisions every day, they can be as mundane as “Do I […]
Employee Loyalty
Summary: You rely on your employees to grow your business, to keep moving forward you need to gain their loyalty. It goes without saying, you depend on your employees to get the work done. They are the heart of your operation. Your clients depend on them to receive a product or service. Your people rely […]
Are you creating doubt?
Summary: Does it appear your people don’t have confidence in you? Are you creating it unintentionally? Remove the doubt words from your vocabulary. For people to follow your lead, confidence is key. People want a leader who is clear in direction and follows through. Want to be less effective? Create doubt. Does it seem that your people […]
Too Many Chefs in the Kitchen
Summary: When there is more than one person in charge, ensure you are providing a unified front. Do people in your business have to report to more than one person? Is your business based on a partnership – where maybe both of you don’t always agree? Are you family operated? These three scenarios can lead […]
Brain Teaser Point of View
Summary: Just like puzzles or brain teasers, by viewing people from a different view from out own can lead to good changes. I am a self-proclaimed puzzle or brain teaser addict. Luckily for me, my six year old has the same fascination. While working on a puzzle together and explaining he needed to look at […]
The Best of 2011
I may be a David Letterman wannabe…I thought a good way to send off 2011 was a recap of the most popular blog posts. Hope you agree, here they are!
Why should I care about leadership?
Summary: We are all good managers – we get things done. So why is leadership important? Let’s face it -we are all good managers. When it comes to a process, project, or reporting – we get it done. Getting the work completed, presentable and above satisfactory we are wonderful, fantastic even. So why should we […]