Are your employees sick?

Does the energy level of your employees seem down? Does it take longer to get tasks done? Does everyone seem to be moving in “slow motion”? Maybe they are sick. No, I’m not referring to them having a cold, flu or the winter blues. While it may appear they have one of these, they just […]

Leadership Lessons from Parenting

As the parent to two young boys (five and three), I can not help to notice the lessons I teach to my sons apply to leadership.  Tell me if any of these sound familiar “use your words to tell him what you want”, “you have to work together”, “answer my question”.  If you are a […]

Giving Effective Feedback

You hear it over and over again – you need to provide feedback on a regular basis in order to get results. This makes sense to you and you agree. However, you have questions, do any of these sound familiar: If I do it everyday – doesn’t it become phony? Won’t it loose it’s effectiveness after […]

HR Basic: Open Communication

Here is a topic that generates an interesting debate. What makes it interesting is what constitutes open communication. Most people will agree on the why it is needed, however its doing it and considering the what that makes it complicated. Try to Google “Open Communication in the Workplace” and you will get over 500,000 web […]

7 HR basics for Small Business

This post could easily be titled “Employees, Paperwork, Leadership…oh my!”. I’m sure it would be safe to say that when you decided to start your own business and venture into the world of an entrepreneur – there are many things you anticipated. You anticipated the long hours, tight budgets, having to do your own marketing, and making […]

The Internal Customer

Everyone in your company can name your customer. They can even describe in detail the products and services you offer. Many know your market position in regards to your competitors. However, do they know who their internal customer is? Does it matter? Does it matter? The short answer is “yes, absolutely”. In reality many don’t […]

Your Employee Brand

You can easily talk about your company brand and the image portrayed to clients and vendors.  Could you say the same about your employee brand image?  Do you know how current and former employees describe your business and what it is like to work with you.  This is a tougher question to answer. Not to mention – […]

Why can’t they leave well enough alone

Listen Here: When was the last time an employee walked into your office and offered a suggestion? What was your reaction? Do your employees see you as being open to suggestions, ideas, comments or improvements? Are you sure?? We all know we should say “yes” and encourage it. But deep down in places you don’t […]

Finding your Authentic Leadership Style

Listen here:   Are you struggling to find a leadership style that works for you and your employees? A style you can feel comfortable with, lead with and have respect with. Start by taking a look at the leaders you admire, what about their style attracts you? My personal favorites have to do with leaders who […]

Overwhelmed by Resumes

Listen here: You posted your ad on-line and now your email box is being overwhelmed by resumes! What a great problem to have….but wait…now to read and go through all the resumes.  Worse yet, so many people are qualified for the position – what to do? Again, what a great problem to have.  The question […]