Ready for Transition? 5 things to Consider

Summary: Soon you will have to make a transition from lean and mean to growth. Are you prepared? Here are 5 things you need to consider. I know many of you may have doubts about the course of the economy whether or not it is turning around or not. Regardless of your current view, you […]

Why are you holding on?

Summary:  Do you have that one person you have kept in your company for too long? What are you doing to change it? Here’s a way to get started. Do you find yourself looking at one of your people and saying “why are they still here?” or “he is more trouble than he’s worth”, then […]

There is still hope

Summary:  Do you notice that employees don’t have the skills or abilities to success within the first 30 days? Do you say “There is still hope”? Stop making excuses. How many times have you found yourself saying “I will give it one more chance” to an employee who in your mind you know will not […]

The Best of 2011

I may be a David Letterman wannabe…I thought a good way to send off 2011 was a recap of the most popular blog posts. Hope you agree, here they are!

Saying Goodbye is the Hardest

Summary:  People will leave a business for many reasons. How you handle their departure can give you insight and keep you reputation. People leave a business for many reasons. Promotion, better salary, flexible work hours, to work closer to home or its just not working out. Regardless of the reason when someone leave it can be […]

Is the weather affecting your business?

Summary: Is the weather affect your business, your employee productivity – you may not be able to change the weather but here are some ways to get passed it. Today it has been raining and for me that means I have a tendency to move a little slower. I know, not a good thing to […]

Did you create the monster?

Summary: Did you inadvertently create a monster employee? Want to change it? With persistence and patience you can with 2 easy steps.   I heard this comment last week, it wasn’t the first time and I’m sure it won’t be the last, “she can do whatever she wants”. This is usually meant in a bad way, […]

Has it gotten complicated?

Summary: While expanding our business we have created processes, each person adds their input as to how it needs to be done and now it’s complicated.  Review the process and simplify. Have you noticed it is taking longer to get things done? Does it seem that when your business was smaller, it didn’t take as […]

Do YOU have a job description?

Summary: As the business owner you need to have a job description in order to stay focused on your priorities and allow your employees to do their work.   This may sound like a strange question. After all, you are the boss so you are responsible for everything – right? In the big picture you […]

What do employees expect from you?

There are many books about leadership and managing people – former/current leaders are always willing to share their thoughts on what made them best.  While each has their own philosophy, style, and passion – it all comes down to three things.