Create a Complaint Free Zone

One of the things about having to work with other people is their different personalities. Some as eternally optomistic, others are all business, others are fun-loving, and then there are those who rarely have a nice thing to say. There is nothing worse than only hearing complaints, actually it can be just down right draining!

What do employees expect from you?

There are many books about leadership and managing people – former/current leaders are always willing to share their thoughts on what made them best.  While each has their own philosophy, style, and passion – it all comes down to three things.

The “How” of Employee Counselling

The past several weeks we have been talking about Employee Counselling – when to do it and why. What hasn’t been discussed is the “how”. In reality when you think about it, the “how” is really what can trip people up.

Is your fear holding you back?

Do you  have a troublesome employee? Someone who prefers to talk-down to people, gossip, is overly negative or makes others uncomfortable by their behavior? Are you afraid to do something about it? Is your fear of a law suit, retalitation or bigger problems holding you back from doing what is right for your company?

Put it in writing!

For the most part employees come to work with the best intentions and want to do good work. However, there are those occssions (or various occasions) when an employee needs to be corrected in their behavior. A question I get often is when talking to an employee about performance issues when should the conversation change from […]

A Week of Recognition?

My first job out of college was as the Secretary in Human Resources. No, I’m not being politically incorrect – that was my title for six months. From there I was promoted to Employment Coordinator at the same desk and same phone number.  I have to be honest, I don’t remember when the position changed […]

Oops…they did it again

Previously on this blog…we looked at the habits of managers and leaders in an organization. Those little habits that will drive your employees and co-workers insane. In an effort to be unbiased, we are turning the tables on the employees.  A brief look at some of their habits that make you wonder about the sanity […]

Stop Putting Out Fires

It’s happened again…you start off your day with great plans, high ambitions, and the energy to move forward. Then…the call, the knock on the door, or the urgent email – there is fire burning that only you can put out…again.  If this is happening to you more than once a week, your job title needs […]

A Sense of Purpose

As you may have noticed, I champion Leadership and am a firm believer in coaching employees to success to create a successful business. While this may not always be easy and require you to take a step back away from the situation to understand how best to deal with it – with practice and patience […]

Giving Effective Feedback

You hear it over and over again – you need to provide feedback on a regular basis in order to get results. This makes sense to you and you agree. However, you have questions, do any of these sound familiar: If I do it everyday – doesn’t it become phony? Won’t it loose it’s effectiveness after […]