A 10-point People Check-Up for Success

July marks the mid-point for the year. We have had 6 months of accomplishments, successes, and challenges and we will have 6 more months this year to accomplish our vision. This is a good time to remind ourselves of what we need to keep an eye on going forward. Our people will make us successful […]
3 Ways You are Inadvertently Accepting the Wrong Expectations
What is it costing you?
During our hiring process, it is typical to focus on skills and the requirements of the job. We notice personality and don’t always pay close attention to it. Then we end up with a person who has the right skills but doesn’t quit fit into our culture. It is also possible we end up with […]
Employee Satisfaction: What is it and why do we care.
Summary: I find there is a lot of confusing about what employee satisfaction is and why it’s important. Here’s an answer you will like. When talking with small business owners the conversation will eventually turn to employee satisfaction and why its important. Before getting into why it matters, lets review what it is and isn’t. […]
5 Leadership Missteps
Summary: How many times have you said “why can’t people just do their job?”. Avoid these 5 Leadership Missteps to be more successful. How many times have you said this “why can’t people just do their job?”. If you are like most people – lots and lots. It doesn’t matter if you were a shopper […]
Is a Bad Apple spoiling your Bunch?
Summary: We have all experienced or have that one person who started out well and over time has become mediocre to awful. Worse yet, it has become contagious and spread to others. What do you do? We have all seen it, we have experienced it…and uh, oh…you have one. Now they didn’t start out this […]
Focus On Strengths
Summary: Want to get the most out of people? Focus on their strengths. When you lead a team of people, your main goal is to get them to succeed in their position and for the company. However at times we get caught up in the day-to-day and the tasks that need to be completed. While […]
Are You Playing Favorites?
Summary: As a leader we may have a favorite person on our team. Be sure they deserve the status by answering these question or you may suffer some backlash. It’s ok to admit, everyone knows it – you have a favorite person in your office. Maybe it’s their personality, they always say “good morning” or […]
Ready for Transition? 5 things to Consider
Summary: Soon you will have to make a transition from lean and mean to growth. Are you prepared? Here are 5 things you need to consider. I know many of you may have doubts about the course of the economy whether or not it is turning around or not. Regardless of your current view, you […]
3 Ways to Keep Employees Interested
Summary: Sometimes being a business owner is complicated by the employees working with us. Try these three tactics for better employee involvement in your business. Do you ever think to yourself – “Being a business owner would be great if it weren’t for the people?”. In speaking with business owners over the years they understsand […]