Does it really matter?

In a conversation last week I was asked “Does having good employees really made a difference?”  Instead of answering directly, I asked a few questions instead.  Follow along to see if you agree with me.

Are you “blocked”?

This week’s post comes to you courtesy of “writer’s block”. I try to draw inspiration from everywhere some human resources related, some business related or some from questions from clients and friends. It appears lately all is working well – which is to be celebrated, after all that is my goal.

A Week of Recognition?

My first job out of college was as the Secretary in Human Resources. No, I’m not being politically incorrect – that was my title for six months. From there I was promoted to Employment Coordinator at the same desk and same phone number.  I have to be honest, I don’t remember when the position changed […]

Are your employees sick?

Does the energy level of your employees seem down? Does it take longer to get tasks done? Does everyone seem to be moving in “slow motion”? Maybe they are sick. No, I’m not referring to them having a cold, flu or the winter blues. While it may appear they have one of these, they just […]

The Power of Feedback

Usually when feedback is discussed, it’s about “how to give”, “what to say” or “be consistent” – while this is all helpful advice (and necessary). Let’s discuss the Power of Receiving Feedback. That’s right “power”! According to the definition of power is:  “ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something”.

A Sense of Purpose

As you may have noticed, I champion Leadership and am a firm believer in coaching employees to success to create a successful business. While this may not always be easy and require you to take a step back away from the situation to understand how best to deal with it – with practice and patience […]

Giving Effective Feedback

You hear it over and over again – you need to provide feedback on a regular basis in order to get results. This makes sense to you and you agree. However, you have questions, do any of these sound familiar: If I do it everyday – doesn’t it become phony? Won’t it loose it’s effectiveness after […]

5 Ways to Bad Leadership

They are easy to do and implement – leaders have been doing it over and over again to successfully brand themselves a bad leader within days of assuming a new position. If you would like to duplicate this success for yourself – follow these simple instructions. Or if you prefer to be a good leader – follow these five tips.

To do or not to do…

Performance Reviews, Developmental Assessments, or whatever else you call it. That is the question. This is always an interesting topic and there is so much debate about what makes a good performance review, how to get the most out of the conversation with the employee and what to do with the review when done. If […]

Show Me the Money

Do you remember that line from Jerry McGuire? Cuba Gooding’s character was motivating Tom Cruise to get him more money for playing football with his current team. Cuba had Tom Cruise screaming into the phone “SHOW ME THE MONEY” among other things.