HR Basic: Open Communication
Here is a topic that generates an interesting debate. What makes it interesting is what constitutes open communication. Most people will agree on the why it is needed, however its doing it and considering the what that makes it complicated. Try to Google “Open Communication in the Workplace” and you will get over 500,000 web […]
The Internal Customer
Everyone in your company can name your customer. They can even describe in detail the products and services you offer. Many know your market position in regards to your competitors. However, do they know who their internal customer is? Does it matter? Does it matter? The short answer is “yes, absolutely”. In reality many don’t […]
Your Employee Brand
You can easily talk about your company brand and the image portrayed to clients and vendors. Could you say the same about your employee brand image? Do you know how current and former employees describe your business and what it is like to work with you. This is a tougher question to answer. Not to mention – […]
Employee Recognition on a Budget
To Listen click here: Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of our work lives, we forget to step back and thank those around us. After all, who doesn’t like a pat on the back or recognition for a job well done? More than likely you have employees who would be over the moon for […]
Finding your Authentic Leadership Style
Listen here: Are you struggling to find a leadership style that works for you and your employees? A style you can feel comfortable with, lead with and have respect with. Start by taking a look at the leaders you admire, what about their style attracts you? My personal favorites have to do with leaders who […]
Do you need a Captain?
Listen here: I have been enjoying sports lately – Chicago Blackhawks winning the Stanley Cup and the start of the FIFA (Soccer) World Cup. While one is a winter sport and the other is a summer sport, they have something in common – the players choose a captain. This got me thinking – both sports […]
Mini-breaks to re-energize
A lot of times we are at work and we just get down to business. If we are lucky, we remember to eat lunch or find an excuse to walk outside for at least 5 minutes. Even little distractions from the work can energize us in great ways. We can be terrible with taking the […]
Uh Oh…I’m a Manager?!?
Congratulations – you got the promotion – you are a MANAGER! You are thinking, “this is great”, “now things can get done”, “people will have to listen to me now” and then comes that little voice from the back of your head…now it’s saying “what if they don’t listen to me”, “what if I get […]
I’m a ____ Leader
When it comes to leaders we all like to use a one word description of their style. You know, she’s a charismatic leader, he’s a dictatorial leader, she’s autocratic, etc. You get the picture. Now image if the people who worked for you had to pick one word to fill-in-the-blank on your leadership style…would it be the […]
Getting more…employee motivation
Would you rather listen than read? Click play This is what we all want isn’t it? Getting more with little effort. If only the world really worked that way. Actually it does. In these economic times we find ourselves having to do more with less. Whether it is more work from fewer employees, more clients […]