5 Ways to Bad Leadership

They are easy to do and implement – leaders have been doing it over and over again to successfully brand themselves a bad leader within days of assuming a new position. If you would like to duplicate this success for yourself – follow these simple instructions. Or if you prefer to be a good leader – follow these five tips.

HR Basic: Coaching

When you think of coaching – what image comes to mind? Is it the sports coach who is giving you direction from the sidelines? Is it a person who spend one-on-one time with to improve – either personally or professionally? Maybe it’s the career coach who helped you find a job? Or the business coach […]

7 HR basics for Small Business

This post could easily be titled “Employees, Paperwork, Leadership…oh my!”. I’m sure it would be safe to say that when you decided to start your own business and venture into the world of an entrepreneur – there are many things you anticipated. You anticipated the long hours, tight budgets, having to do your own marketing, and making […]

They are just not that into you…

Listen here:   or your business. Think about your years of managing people.  I’m sure there have been times when you have noticed that no matter what you did, said, or wrote – your employee would just look at you with that “whatever” look on their face.  The situation didn’t matter,  it could be praise, […]

3 tips to better hires

Listen here: I’m sure it comes as no surprise that one of the more frustrating aspects of having a business is finding and keeping good employees. Have you heard yourself say any of these: “why can’t good employees just wear a sign, so I know who they are” “I talk to a lot of people […]

How to have that first difficult conversation

You know that conversation where you have to tell an employee for the first time that either they are not performing or their attitude is not what you want.  You know that talk where you dread it either because you don’t like “confrontation” or you are fearful of their reaction.  Take a deep breath, it […]

Healthcare Reform 2010

It’s all over the news and possibly in the courts soon.  Healthcare Reform will be signed into law today.  What does this mean for small business and everyday people?  Here’s a quick summary of what is in the bill.  However there is a Compromise Plan that was passed by the House and needs to be […]

A little ditty about HR

My passion is HR – why – because it is about the people. The people who run the business as well as those who work in it. We spend the majority of our waking hours at work! Scary I know. Therefore shouldn’t it be “good hours” or “happy to be here hours” or “I’m appreciated […]

Employee Satisfaction. How do I know if I have it?

So now you understand why it is important and why you should have it.  The question now becomes – How do I know if I have it? My personal experience is that people make this question harder to answer than necessary.  You are a small business with employees (most likely no more than 50 employees), […]