What Employees Want You to Know

Summary: If I were to go around your organization and ask each person “What do you want your manager to know about leading you?”. What kind of answers would I get? Do any of these sound familiar?         If I were to go around your organization and ask each person “What do […]

Leadership is the key to Successful Teams

Summary: How does a team become successful? Leadership. Have a common goal, talk about it and more.   I realize it’s not an event everyone watches here in the USA or is obsessive as me. Every four years I look forward to the FIFA World Cup (soccer in the USA and football everywhere else). One the […]

Leadership Starts Here

Summary: When people think about leadership the first thought jumps to “how do I lead my people better” which is good however I would say there three things you need to do first to create the leader you want to be.   When people think about leadership the first thought jumps to “how do I lead […]

The ROI of Leadership

Summary: It may be difficult to calculate the ROI on good leadership skills however the cost of bad leadership cannot be ignored. Had a great conversation with a person I respect about leadership. I was talking about my new program (watch for details) and we got into a conversation about why people should care about […]

What does it mean to you?

Summary:  What does culture mean to a business? Define it, work it, use it and celebrate it. It’s all good. A lot is said about culture – how to define it, do you need one and what does it mean to your business. To many businesses this sound like a “big business” idea and may […]

Your Cast of Characters

Summary:  Each person you work with has their own character. To be able to work with them you need to understand them. If you work with people around you, you have noticed that each one has it’s own personality. Some are easier to get along with than others. If you didn’t have to work with […]

Day One Leadership

Summary: Whether through promotion or hiring for your own company – you may now be leading your former peers! Now what? It happens, sometimes it’s planned and other times not. You may know it was going to happen and sometimes you may not realize it. It’s leading your peers. It could be due to a […]

Starting Leadership

Summary:  You have realized you are a manager and more importantly a leader. Where do you start? How do you create the team you want? You have grown your business to the point where you can’t do it all yourself – congratulations! You are tasting success and you love it. You hire people to work […]

The Buck Stops Here

Summary:  We have all heard the saying “the buck stops here”. The word for this is accountability. Begin a culture of accountability with yourself and your people. We have all heard the saying “the buck stops here”. This is usually heard when someone is referring to the CEO. However most of us would like to […]

Who are your “behind the scenes” people?

Summary: In the circus there are people dressed in all black who make the show doesn’t stop. In business we also have these “behind the scenes” people. Who are yours? How do you acknowledge their work? Each November we embark on our own family tradition of going to the circus. We have been doing this […]