Mini-breaks to re-energize
A lot of times we are at work and we just get down to business. If we are lucky, we remember to eat lunch or find an excuse to walk outside for at least 5 minutes. Even little distractions from the work can energize us in great ways. We can be terrible with taking the […]
Taking a step back
We are usually told to go forward, take action, just do it – all the things needed to succeed. Well, I would like to throw another cliche onto the pile “take a step back”. It’s not about going backwards but about seeing the forest through the trees. When was the last time you took a […]
Micromanaging – Why do you do it?
Do you do it? Are you sure? The next time you are speaking to an employee, listen to yourself – your words, tone and intention. Now ask yourself again – are you a micro-manager? If you answered no, thank you and please continue reading anyway. Those of you who answered yes, here are some questions […]
Healthcare Reform 2010
It’s all over the news and possibly in the courts soon. Healthcare Reform will be signed into law today. What does this mean for small business and everyday people? Here’s a quick summary of what is in the bill. However there is a Compromise Plan that was passed by the House and needs to be […]
People Poll
Would love to get your feedback. [polldaddy poll=2905241]
A little ditty about HR
My passion is HR – why – because it is about the people. The people who run the business as well as those who work in it. We spend the majority of our waking hours at work! Scary I know. Therefore shouldn’t it be “good hours” or “happy to be here hours” or “I’m appreciated […]
Great leaders inspire greatness in others
While I don’t usually quote Star Wars, I have a son who is very interested in Clone Wars and couldn’t notice the title of the episode – it’s the same title as this blog post. Being intrigued by the title, I paid attention to the episode itself. Even if you are not a Star Wars […]
Dear Boss: A Tale of Two Styles
An employee has sent you a letter about your leadership style. Which letter would you rather receive? One Dear Boss: I want to thank you for all the attention you have given me throughout my time here. You have guided me, coached me, inspired me and promoted me. It is because of you that I […]
Are you speaking your employee’s language?
No, we are not talking about Spanish, French, Madrin or any other foreign language – although that also might be helpful. We are talking about the language of learning and understanding. Everyone learns three different ways: Visual – by using our eyes, respond to diagrams, powerpoint Auditory – by using our ears, respond to speaking […]
They did what?!?
We have all seen it – employee’s with unprofessional behavior. See our first vlog (video blog) on how to deal with this. [youtube=] Let us know what you think of the content and using video.