We interrupt your day…

for a brief commercial message. We are very excited to announce that Focus HR will be doing speaking engagements.  We have started with 5 topics we get a lot of questions about and interest in.  We hope you like them!  If you are interested in having us speak, please contact us at:  [email protected] Speaking Topics […]

Do you have a Rudolph?

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was always a favorite of mine.  He was a “misfit” because of his red nose.  Can we learn from Rudolph? Well there is the obvious lesson – you should not be ashamed of who you are regardless of what others say.  That’s the one we learn as kids. What does this […]


Thanksgiving is the time of year when we think about all the good in our lives.  We thank those around us for all they have given, contributed and supported. We would like to take this opportunity to Thank all of you – our readers – for the support and feedback you have given us.  We […]

I’ve got culture – now what?

We have spent some time talking about culture and what it is. You may have even written down about 10 words/phrases to describe it.  You are happy with how your business is described but you may be thinking – now what? Fair question.  If we do nothing this was an exercise on paper which helped us understand […]

What is culture?

Most people think of culture as the customs of other countries – you know Mexican culture, Indian culture, Asian culture, etc. While this is all true it is also something a company has – huh?  Think about it.  Each company you have every worked at – felt different, had people with different personalities, and treated […]


How many times have we uttered those sentiments?  Lots. So why we do we keep doing it? Because as much as we hate to admit it – planning gives us direction, purpose, and commitment. It’s that time of year where we are either starting or finalizing our plans for next year.  It’s when we stare into […]

Can you change your company culture?

Culture does not change because we desire to change it. Culture changes when the organization is transformed; the culture reflects the realities of people working together every day. – Frances Hesselbein I saw this quote a couple of day ago and was amazed at the simplicity and truth of it.  Every once in a while […]

Etiquette – is it a lost art?

Growing up I remember my parents constantly telling me to say “please” or “thank you”. This is a lesson that has stuck with me through the years and I’m very insistent about it with my children. However, it seems to be a dying art form. For example – after going out of my way to […]

Do I really need an employee handbook?

This was an interesting question and I am sure you are thinking that from an HR person the answer is “absolutely”. Actually, I would have to say “depends”. I know, wonderful, still not a decisive answer. Let me explain.  It depends based on what you want the employee handbook to accomplish? Is it meant to […]

Obama and Healthcare

This is a topic that has caused an interesting and devisive debate.  I personally haven’t met anyone that it is in the middle, they are either for or against.  Let me rephase that – I haven’t come across anyone that is against providing healthcare to everyone.  The debate is how that healthcare is provided. I […]