A Time to be Thankful

Summary: This is the time of year to be thankful. I would like to add to the typical list.  What are you thankful for? This time of year has all of thinking about being thankful. Being thankful for our family and friends. I would like to add to the list – passionate work, co-workers, and […]

An Unexpected Point of View

Summary: While attending a workshop put on by Employment Security (unemployment office), I came to realize the misconceptions about the office. What misconceptions exist about us and our business. Last week I attended a workshop on protesting unemployment claims put on by the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES). When you have been in Human […]

Focus on You!

Summary: In business we tend to focus on the business, clients, employees, etc. take a break now and focus on you! Yes, focus on you. Usually I ask you to reflect on how you can contribute to a better workplace, be a better boss and overall improve your leadership. Today, I want you to be […]

Trick or Treat your Office

Summary:  Take the trick or treat approach at the office to boast your people. My kids are young so they are always excited about Halloween. Picking out costumes and dressing as their favorite characters. More than that what they really enjoy is going house to house and getting candy. No strings attached! After all, at […]

Why should I care about leadership?

Summary:  We are all good managers – we get things done. So why is leadership important?  Let’s face it -we are all good managers. When it comes to a process, project, or reporting – we get it done. Getting the work completed, presentable and above satisfactory we are wonderful, fantastic even. So why should we […]

Clarification – the missing element of communication

Summary:  While we are always working on our communication to ensure we are understood, many times an element that is missing is “clarification”. I was listening to a speaker the other day and was enthralled and delighted that he was talking about communication. His focus was on communication within the family and he mentioned something that many […]

Reform your micromanaging ways

Summary: Are you micromanaging your employees? If so, you are creating human robots. Reform your ways! Have you found yourself giving a person a job to do and then following up constantly? You know what I mean, at each step along the way you are asking questions or you go back to them and say […]

Saying Goodbye is the Hardest

Summary:  People will leave a business for many reasons. How you handle their departure can give you insight and keep you reputation. People leave a business for many reasons. Promotion, better salary, flexible work hours, to work closer to home or its just not working out. Regardless of the reason when someone leave it can be […]

Is the weather affecting your business?

Summary: Is the weather affect your business, your employee productivity – you may not be able to change the weather but here are some ways to get passed it. Today it has been raining and for me that means I have a tendency to move a little slower. I know, not a good thing to […]

Preschool Leadership

Summary: In Preschool we learned about listening, using our words and sharing.  These same lessons apply to leadership. I have to admit, this weeks blog post was inspired by youngest son…who is preschool. How did the inspiration come about? As most four year olds, he is learning how to interact more with his “friends” (code […]