Value of Vacation

Vacation is usually a benefit we reserve for our employees – we encourage them to take it, use it either a week at a time or to take off for a long weekend.  We have been fantastic at explaining the value of taking time off – the rejuvenating effects, getting the creative juices flowing, and general re-energizing. […]

Is it time to hire your first employee?

Are you finding yourself overwhelmed? Maybe you are in search of extra free time? One thing you do know is that you can’t do it all yourself anymore. However the prospect of actually hiring your first employee is…scary. Well not in the horror movie sort of way but now you can be the boss, responsible […]

The “How” of Employee Counselling

The past several weeks we have been talking about Employee Counselling – when to do it and why. What hasn’t been discussed is the “how”. In reality when you think about it, the “how” is really what can trip people up.

4 Strikes and You’re Out!

Do you use progressive discipline (or counselling as I prefer to call it)? Do you know how?  I prefer to call it counselling as the purpose behind the conversation is to let a person know that improvement is needed and you would like to see them succeed. Discipline sounds to me more punitive and you […]

Does it really matter?

In a conversation last week I was asked “Does having good employees really made a difference?”  Instead of answering directly, I asked a few questions instead.  Follow along to see if you agree with me.

Are you “blocked”?

This week’s post comes to you courtesy of “writer’s block”. I try to draw inspiration from everywhere some human resources related, some business related or some from questions from clients and friends. It appears lately all is working well – which is to be celebrated, after all that is my goal.

A Week of Recognition?

My first job out of college was as the Secretary in Human Resources. No, I’m not being politically incorrect – that was my title for six months. From there I was promoted to Employment Coordinator at the same desk and same phone number.  I have to be honest, I don’t remember when the position changed […]

Intuition and Business

The Harvard Business Review had a great article on intuition:  Intuition Isn’t Just about Trusting your Gut. The blog post referrs to a couple Fortune 500 leaders and their decision making process. And after the feedback I received from my last blog post about intuition, I thought it would be a good idea to dig into […]

Is your business the old west?

I have to be honest, I didn’t grow up watching westerns and still don’t watch them.  My only reference to the old wild west is Back to the Future III when Marty travels back in time to find Doc Brown.  Yes, I’m an 80’s girl.  There is a theme that runs throughout what we hear […]

Oops…they did it again

Previously on this blog…we looked at the habits of managers and leaders in an organization. Those little habits that will drive your employees and co-workers insane. In an effort to be unbiased, we are turning the tables on the employees.  A brief look at some of their habits that make you wonder about the sanity […]