Are you guilty of this?
We all have a “habit” or a “tendency” that may drive our employees crazy. I can see you smiling…you already know what it is. Some of you are a little perplexed and trying to figure it out. Let’s have some fun this week and work on getting rid of those “crazy” habits we have.
Are your employees sick?
Does the energy level of your employees seem down? Does it take longer to get tasks done? Does everyone seem to be moving in “slow motion”? Maybe they are sick. No, I’m not referring to them having a cold, flu or the winter blues. While it may appear they have one of these, they just […]
Leadership Lessons from Parenting
As the parent to two young boys (five and three), I can not help to notice the lessons I teach to my sons apply to leadership. Tell me if any of these sound familiar “use your words to tell him what you want”, “you have to work together”, “answer my question”. If you are a […]
Coffee Maker Efficiency
This past week I bought a new coffee maker and I’m in LOVE! It makes great coffee (a requirement for any coffee maker) and clean up is practically non-existent (this is why I’m in love). It makes one cup at a time and when I’m done I throw away the little container the coffee came […]
Lessons from Abroad
I have been very fortunate in my career for many reason. The biggest is that I was able to live and work overseas in Human Resources. I am talking about living in different countries and experiencing their culture, people, and customs. I learned very quickly how many of the overall labor laws are the same […]
Stop Putting Out Fires
It’s happened again…you start off your day with great plans, high ambitions, and the energy to move forward. Then…the call, the knock on the door, or the urgent email – there is fire burning that only you can put out…again. If this is happening to you more than once a week, your job title needs […]
The Power of Feedback
Usually when feedback is discussed, it’s about “how to give”, “what to say” or “be consistent” – while this is all helpful advice (and necessary). Let’s discuss the Power of Receiving Feedback. That’s right “power”! According to the definition of power is: “ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something”.
A Sense of Purpose
As you may have noticed, I champion Leadership and am a firm believer in coaching employees to success to create a successful business. While this may not always be easy and require you to take a step back away from the situation to understand how best to deal with it – with practice and patience […]
Giving Effective Feedback
You hear it over and over again – you need to provide feedback on a regular basis in order to get results. This makes sense to you and you agree. However, you have questions, do any of these sound familiar: If I do it everyday – doesn’t it become phony? Won’t it loose it’s effectiveness after […]
Don’t forget your goals
It’s the new year, a chance to start again,and fill up a blank slate with your goals. However, goals have a tendency to go the way of resolutions. We start of with great intentions, wonderful ambitions, and lofty goals. Over time – maybe one week to one month – we focus on day-to-day items on […]