HR Basic: Legalities
Over the next seven weeks, I will be expanding on last week’s blog – 7 HR basics for Small Business. Once you start hiring employees, you have to follow laws – federal, state, municipal or city. Once you start having employees you are responsible not only for the service they provide to you and your […]
7 HR basics for Small Business
This post could easily be titled “Employees, Paperwork, Leadership…oh my!”. I’m sure it would be safe to say that when you decided to start your own business and venture into the world of an entrepreneur – there are many things you anticipated. You anticipated the long hours, tight budgets, having to do your own marketing, and making […]
My employees stay forever…
Most business owners are overjoyed to exclaim “my employees never leave!” and it should be celebrated, you are doing something right. Hopefully you have new employees coming in because you are growing. If you don’t have new employees coming in – this is an amazing accomplishment. However, I want to ask you “what is it […]
The Internal Customer
Everyone in your company can name your customer. They can even describe in detail the products and services you offer. Many know your market position in regards to your competitors. However, do they know who their internal customer is? Does it matter? Does it matter? The short answer is “yes, absolutely”. In reality many don’t […]
Your Employee Brand
You can easily talk about your company brand and the image portrayed to clients and vendors. Could you say the same about your employee brand image? Do you know how current and former employees describe your business and what it is like to work with you. This is a tougher question to answer. Not to mention – […]
Employee Recognition on a Budget
To Listen click here: Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of our work lives, we forget to step back and thank those around us. After all, who doesn’t like a pat on the back or recognition for a job well done? More than likely you have employees who would be over the moon for […]
Why can’t they leave well enough alone
Listen Here: When was the last time an employee walked into your office and offered a suggestion? What was your reaction? Do your employees see you as being open to suggestions, ideas, comments or improvements? Are you sure?? We all know we should say “yes” and encourage it. But deep down in places you don’t […]
Finding your Authentic Leadership Style
Listen here: Are you struggling to find a leadership style that works for you and your employees? A style you can feel comfortable with, lead with and have respect with. Start by taking a look at the leaders you admire, what about their style attracts you? My personal favorites have to do with leaders who […]
They are just not that into you…
Listen here: or your business. Think about your years of managing people. I’m sure there have been times when you have noticed that no matter what you did, said, or wrote – your employee would just look at you with that “whatever” look on their face. The situation didn’t matter, it could be praise, […]
But I don’t like confrontation…
Listen here: Do you say this to yourself? How often? Do you say it when an employee is not doing what you need or want? What is your reaction – do you to let it be, do you become passive-aggressive, or do you let it eat at you slowly. Let’s face it, confrontation isn’t […]