Just like a chef…it’s all in the preparation

Do you know what Chefs and recruiting and in common? It’s the planning. A Chef doesn’t just start cooking, and you shouldn’t just start recruiting. A Chef will review the menu, look for what’s needed, anticipate needs, and determine what to make. In recruiting, you need to do the same: review your current workforce, look […]
Employee Retention – How to increase in a small business
Your story. Do your people know why your business exists? Understanding the story of why the business was started and how it has developed into today helps people identify with the company. Purpose. Let people understand their role and how it impacts co-workers, clients, and the company. Everyone wants to have their work matter. […]
Growing Pains? HR to the rescue.
There will come a time in every company where growth may become uncomfortable – like growing pains. Just like the ones you experienced as a teenager, these can also be overcome with time and some assistance. Besides understanding what a company needs to grow – more employees, certain laws to be followed, and scalability. Scalability […]
Why Should I Care about HR?
Human Resources also focuses on the company needs by: Ensuring legal compliance Maintaining an organizational structure which supports the goals Finding the right people to work at the company Ensure high potential/performers stay Take corrective action Translate leadership objectives for communication Do you care about HR? What can happen to […]
Is your culture what you think it is?
Should my Office Manager be responsible for HR?
Many small business don’t have, need, or want a full-time HR person. However many have a trusted and responsible Office Manager. This is the person who works at the right hand of the owner or Accounting Manager. The Office Manager handles a little bit of everything: accounting, customer service, IT, and employee issues. This is […]
What your Business should have in Common with Scouting
I am a huge supporter of Boy Scouts, both of my boys are scouts and I like the way they have the system setup. So you may be thinking what does this have to do with business? Let me explain more about Boy Scouts and then show how you can model something similar for your […]
Really – why can’t I make everyone salaried?
Interviewing candidates: How do I know they are a good

It doesn’t matter if it’s your first interview or your 100th – you are going to be hesitant about candidates. To help you along, you need to have a plan for your interviews. Winging it is not a plan. I have done over the a thousand interviews and I still use a sheet with set […]