2018 New Year Greeting Card Template

Happy 2018!

coaching, human resources, leadership

I love the New Year! Not only does it bring possibilities, it’s a time to reflect on what worked and what didn’t during the last 12 months.

For me, one of the new things that has worked well and I’m delighted to share. I’ve had the pleasure of working with 6 companies on coaching.  I worked with 7 individuals on Human Resources and Leadership. Selfishly I have to admit, I enjoyed watching their journey. Going from eager to learn, novice, and a bit scared of what was ahead of them to understanding, confidence, and making a difference.

With Leadership, sometimes the changes can be more subtle and they develop the habits quickly they don’t even realize how they have changed. However, those working with them notice the difference, and appreciate the leaders they have become.

With Human Resources, it’s about knowledge and confidence – they go hand-in-hand. Talking to them about how to manage situations to them handling themselves and sharing the results.

It’s been a positive year and I’m looking forward to all that can be done in 2018.  How about you?

What is Human Resources coaching? I work one-on-one with the person who will have the HR responsibilities, we have planned topics to discuss/learn, as well as what’s happening now in the organization.  Topics range from the legalities (I9’s and handbooks) to Recruiting, On-Boarding, how to work with different employees to benefits (even open enrollment) and compensation to culture, and employee issues.  This is all done within six months.

Want to learn more? Read about it here then contact me to discuss further ([email protected] or 773.531.8199)