5 Ways to Bad Leadership

They are easy to do and implement – leaders have been doing it over and over again to successfully brand themselves a bad leader within days of assuming a new position. If you would like to duplicate this success for yourself – follow these simple instructions. Or if you prefer to be a good leader – follow these five tips.

To do or not to do…

Performance Reviews, Developmental Assessments, or whatever else you call it. That is the question. This is always an interesting topic and there is so much debate about what makes a good performance review, how to get the most out of the conversation with the employee and what to do with the review when done. If […]

HR Basic: Coaching

When you think of coaching – what image comes to mind? Is it the sports coach who is giving you direction from the sidelines? Is it a person who spend one-on-one time with to improve – either personally or professionally? Maybe it’s the career coach who helped you find a job? Or the business coach […]

HR Basic: Open Communication

Here is a topic that generates an interesting debate. What makes it interesting is what constitutes open communication. Most people will agree on the why it is needed, however its doing it and considering the what that makes it complicated. Try to Google “Open Communication in the Workplace” and you will get over 500,000 web […]

HR Basic: Listening

Remember how your parents would constantly say “listen to me” or “what did I say?”. Well that advice is back to haunt you. We all think we are good listeners, after all we have two ears. I would say in practice we don’t hear everything everyone says or understands what they are not saying. Why […]

The Internal Customer

Everyone in your company can name your customer. They can even describe in detail the products and services you offer. Many know your market position in regards to your competitors. However, do they know who their internal customer is? Does it matter? Does it matter? The short answer is “yes, absolutely”. In reality many don’t […]

Your Employee Brand

You can easily talk about your company brand and the image portrayed to clients and vendors.  Could you say the same about your employee brand image?  Do you know how current and former employees describe your business and what it is like to work with you.  This is a tougher question to answer. Not to mention – […]

Employee Recognition on a Budget

To Listen click here:   Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of our work lives, we forget to step back and thank those around us. After all, who doesn’t like a pat on the back or recognition for a job well done? More than likely you have employees who would be over the moon for […]

Finding your Authentic Leadership Style

Listen here:   Are you struggling to find a leadership style that works for you and your employees? A style you can feel comfortable with, lead with and have respect with. Start by taking a look at the leaders you admire, what about their style attracts you? My personal favorites have to do with leaders who […]

They are just not that into you…

Listen here:   or your business. Think about your years of managing people.  I’m sure there have been times when you have noticed that no matter what you did, said, or wrote – your employee would just look at you with that “whatever” look on their face.  The situation didn’t matter,  it could be praise, […]